2005  senior city schedule,    district tournaments


district schedule garland city schedule rules clinic
7/8 yr. olds: (district) teams advance to district level only, district administrator has final authority.

9/10 yr. olds (state )teams advance through district, sectionals and to the state championship in waco, texas.

11/12 yr. olds (major) 13/14 yr. olds (junior) 14/15/16 yr. olds (senior) and 16/17/18 yr. olds big league, advance through district, sectionals, state, regionals, and to the world series. these teams are known as little league tournament teams actually the 11/12 yr. olds are the only teams to end up in williamsport, pa. for the world series. the other teams world series are held in different states. the junior was in kalamazoo, mich., senior was in kissamee. fla. and big league was in tucson, az. little league baseball inc. only has one tournament per. year they refer to the teams as the tournament teams. the term williamsport teams is something we locals attached to the teams back in the early 80's to identify the different teams from each other, when the four  garland leagues got approval and sanction from little league to host our city all-star invitational tournament.  we invite other district 8 leagues to enter their non little league tournament (williamsport) teams to enter, just to give the children that don't make  the l.l. tournament team, an opportunity to be selected to  an all-star team and experience the fun of tournament play. it has been great for the children over the years.

boyce patterson assistant d.a. / former tournament director

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2004 garland city tournament- rules info page

city tournament championship games

city tournament- info | tournaments  rules links

t-ball (garland teams only) start 6/23 others start 6/26 double elimination bracket play american league (7 & 8 kid pitch only)

dave christensen, city tournament director 214-682-4385

north orioles take 1st place over the northwest mariners (2nd) in the final national (9-10) mid-season garland inter-league championship game may 19 2003 8pm at holford park. see results

~~~~tournament resource link~~~~~

historical texas state tournament results

to view the entire tournament resource page, click on the following link: http://www.littleleague.org/tournaments/index.htm

district administrator mike lucky / district director boyce patterson / city director dave christensen



-garland national inter-league tournament schedule 2004
-2004 district tournament- tournament brackets | fields | resource link

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